In the university presidency office, the president of salahaddin university `Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee`, has received a delegation of Kurdistan Women Union with the leadership of Dr. Zhyan Suliaman `the secretary of Kurdistan Women Union`. During the meeting, they have discussed enhancing and strengthening the relationships between the university and civil society organizations specially those related with women. They have also mentioned that next year there will be mutual activities regarding women case and working on the students’ role in the society different fields. on the other hand, they have shed the light on the kurdistan women union conference which will be held by the support of kurdistan universities, and will be regarding kurdish women role in the revolutions of Shorish, Gulan and Summer Uprising of 199, the effects of war on women economically, socially, psychologically and politically. Also in the meeting, the president of salahaddin university has expressed that the university is and will be always ready to support this conference and will ask the university lecturers in particular specialities to participate in the conference by presenting seminars and support this women modern organization.
Date :23-06-2015