Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dezaye, the president of Salahaddin University, at the invitation of Lund University in Sweden, has participated in the conference of European Union Erasmus Plus. It is worth mentioning that the program of European Union Erasmus Plus is especially for 8 European, Iranian and Kurdistani universities.
In the Kurdistan Region, both Salahaddin University and Duhok University has participated in this program for 3 years in which one million euros has been allocated for different masters projects, training, purchasing equipment, activities in Geotechnical subjects, GIS, climate change, and preservation of food and environment.
During the meeting, Ms. Egga Weiberg the president assistant of Lund University warmly welcomed the presidents of Salahaddin and Duhok Universities. She also expressed her willingness to provide her support for scientific and academic cooperation with Kurdistan Region universities.
In the meeting, Ms. Egga also mentioned the role of Sweden in Kurdistan in the war against the Islamic State. The university assistant of Lund University expressed her appreciation participating in the next conference which is to be held in September in Duhok City. At the end of the meeting, both presidents of Salahaddin and Duhok universities dedicated the logo of Salahaddin and Duhok universities to Ms. Egga.