Under the motto of `The principles of statehood and the problems of independence`, Cultural and Social Centre of SU started a new season of the political principles of Kurdish statehood.
In the first panel in which Dr Ahmed Dezaye and a large number of university lecturers were present, Dr Dlawer Aladdin, Director of MERI and Dr Abdulhakim Khesraw an instructor in the College of Law and Political Sciences participated; it was hosted by Hiwa Jamal.
In the beginning, Dr Aladdin stated that the struggle for independence is not a new phenomenon. It started when the neighbouring countries announced their own free states. At that moment, Kurds were deprived of that privilege. However, the Kurdish movement started to form. In the beginning, the movement demanded civil rights and equal opportunities for all the citizens. Being aware of the fact that the grand map designed by the superpowers, the demands were within realistic limits. Later, the demands started to grow to and reflect the changes occurred in the region and the world instigated by the two world wars. Almost all the changes worked positively for Kurds.
On the other hand, Dr Abdulhakim Khasraw elaborated on the status quo of Kurdistan and the requirements of a Kurdish free state comparing it to Yugoslavia.
In the end, Dr Ahmed SU president conferred SU gift on the participants in the panel.
Date:15th Feb 2017