Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dezaye the president of Salahaddin University with the presence of Professor Dr. Ibrahim Hamarash Vice-President for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies welcomed a delegation of USA General Consulate in Erbil headed by the general consul Matias Mitman , Stuart Hatcher the Consultant of General Consulate in the American Embassy in Baghdad and Dagg Muro Director of General Affairs.
In the meeting, they discussed the relationship between Kurdistan universities and the American universities and they stressed on strengthening the relations and providing facilities of American consulate to the university lecturers especially for those lecturers who visit American universities for scientific purposes. The president of Salahaddin University also shed light on the education in Salahaddin University and the recent obstacles due to the financial crisis which face the universities because of lack of the Budget and the burden of the Islamic State War and the drop in the oil price in the world market.
On the other hand, American General Consulate declared that the purpose of their visit is to review the relations of Salahaddin University and the American universities especially those subjects related to training lecturers in Appalachian University regarding developing programs and split site students and the mutual program of the University of Cincinnati regarding education and finance.
In the meeting and for the purpose of getting benefits from the American universities, they decided that a delegation of Salahaddin University is to visit American Consulate in Erbil. In the same day, they will visit the American corner office in Salahaddin University which is the first university for opening this corner which has benefits to the postgraduate students for providing scientific resources which include books and academic publications.
Date :10th Feb 2016