Salahaddin University President: “If a student is not offered a place after taking the admissions test, they will be given a chance to get a place through the online system.”
Today, in all the departments of College of Education the direct admissions process commenced. Due to the importance of the process, in a press conference, SU president Dr. Ahmed Dezaye , Minister of Education Dr. Pishtiwan Sadiq and the representative of Minister of Higher Education Dr. Khatab shed light on the details of the process.
In the beginning, SU president stated that the direct admissions process is a new system which aims at replacing the central admissions system. A number of colleges still utilize the online system; however, a number of them have employed the new system, especially the colleges which are directly related to the job market. This has been tried in a few other departments at the university before. The system includes application to a certain department at the university like the College of Education. Then the applicant will take an assessment test. On passing the test with the average of 60%, the student will be offered a place on the course for which they have applied.
Dr. Dezaye also declared that 1760 students have applied for the scientific departments at College of Education, and 1760 have applied for the humanities courses. The students who are accepted at one of these departments will not be able to drop to another department. He also stated that "if a student is not offered a place after taking the admissions test, they will be given a chance to get a place through the online system."
On another hand, the Minister of Education expressed thanks to the Ministry of Higher Education for undertaking such a project. He said that this new system will tackle the issue of lack of the teaching staff in the remote schools because the applicants can apply to the departments and colleges in their areas.
Later, Dr. Khatab congratulated the students on having embarked on such a new project. Moreover, he announced two significant projects undertaken by the Ministry of Higher Education. Both projects supported independence for the universities in terms of financial and administrative affairs.
Date:11th Sep 2016