With the presence of Dr Yousef Goran, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Salahaddin University held a seminar titled “Changes in law programmes instigated by the latest developments in the modern era’’, delivered by Jegir Nazim Hussein. In the seminar, which was held on Sunday, 5 June 2016, in Cultural and Social Centre of Salahaddin University, counsellors at the Ministry of Higher Education, general directors of the ministries, deans of colleges of law at public and private universities, and a number of experts and scholars of in the field oflaw were present.
In the beginning of the seminar, a number of speeches were delivered, among which, Dr Jamal Rasool who has been a lecturer at British universities, recounted the story of Jegir Nazim when he was offered a place at a university in the UK and finished his MA degree successfully. Dr Rasool commended the ability of Mr Nazim, and praised him as a ‘’unique person’’. He stated that Jegir Nazim is seen as the fruition of HCDP, a scholarship programme sponsored by the Ministry of Higher Education of KRG.
Also, Dr Ahmed Dezaye, Salahaddin University President, stated that he ‘’felt honoured’’ to have organised this seminar to a former successful student of the university and he wished him the best of luck in pursuing his further studies.
On the other hand, Dr Yousef Goran focused on the need for a special care for the disabled students at the Kurdistan Region universities. He convened that the students with special needs like Jegiz Nazim are unfortunately underprivileged; therefore, the education system should accommodate the needs of such people and answer to their requirements so that they could contribute to the development of their communities.
In return, Jegir Nazim hoped that a special system for the physically impaired students should be integrated into the higher education system. He also expressed his thanks to Dr Yousef Goran, Dr Ali Sindi, and Dr Ahmed Dezaye to have presented him with this opportunity.
Then, within the framework of his seminar, Mr Nazim compared the law programmes in the UK universities with the universities in the Kurdistan Region. One striking difference he mentioned was that in the universities in Kurdistan you are taught to memorise and remember what you read, but in the UK you are taught to reflect upon it. Jegir Nazim was one of the HCDP candidates who finished his MA in the UK successfully.
Date :10th June 2016