Dr. Ahmed Anwar Dezaye, the President of Salahaddin University, received a delegation headed by Mr. Murtazah Ibadi, the Iranian Consul General in Erbil. In the meeting the University President congratulated the Consul General in his new post and hoped to work together towards strengthening academic relations between Salahaddin University and Iranian universities, to exchange knowledge and support the Departments of Farsi and Fine Arts in Salahaddin University. The Iranian Consul General thanked the University President for the kind reception and emphasised that their Consulate will work to strengthen academic relations between universities in Kurdistan and Iran particularly Tehran universities. He also stated that they will continue cultural and scientific cooperation through organizing joint conferences, workshops and symposia. The Consul General suggested a joint conference on the current political development in the world, Iraq and Kurdistan in cooperation with the College of Islamic Studies in Salahaddin University to exchange ideas and present recommendations. The University President welcomed the suggestion and in turn suggested more cooperation in the area of fine arts.
Finally the Consul General paid a visit to the Department of Farsi in the College of Languages to meet teachers and students. It is worth mentioning that Salahaddin University has agreements with Iranian university particularly Urmia Univeristy to support the Department of Farsi.