Assistance Professor Dr. Ahmed Anwar Dezaye, the President of Salahaddin University, participated in the 48th Annual Conference of the Association of Arab Universities (AARU), in Saint Joseph University in Beirut, Lebanon. The AARU holds its conferences annually and the 2013 Conference was held in Erbil. Since then Salahaddin University plays an active leading role in the execution of the AARU works as a member of the executive committee. The representative of the KRG Ministry of Higher Education, presidents of the three polytechnic universities in Kurdistan, universities of Duhok and Zakho and Newroz and Lebanese-French private universities, participated in the Conference. All the Arab university presidents commended Salahaddin University for hosting the most successful conference in March 2013.
The two-day Conference concluded with important decisions to reform the AARU general secretariat administrative program and admitting new universities. Application of universities in the Kurdistan Region will be processed soon. At the end of the conference, upon the request of Salahaddin University President and members of the executive committee, the AARU decided to deduct the annual fee for Iraqi and Kurdistani universities from 10,000 USDs to 5.000 USDs for the years of 2015 and 2016, due to the economic crisis and the decline in oil prices in the international market.
At the end of the Conference it was decided to hold the next annual conference in the UAE University.