In an effort of the Erasmus+ Coordination Office, International Cooperation of Salahaddin University-Erbil and based on the academic agreement between Salahaddin University-Erbil and University of Warsaw-Poland (UW). Salahaddin University became a partnership with UW in Erasmus+, KA107 , ICM project ;. Accordingly, Salahaddin University is going to send three Ph.D students:
- Mr. Bestoon Taha Mustafa ,Physics Department, College of Education
- Mr.Yousif Ali Omer ,English Department, College of Languages
- Mr.Aram Jalal Hassan, Archaeology Department, College of Arts
to University of Warsaw for the period of 5 months from October 1st ,2018 to March 1st, 2019 to carry out a part of their Ph.D. research thesis at UW University and then completing the thesis at SU. We wish these three students all the success in their mission.
Mohammed Azeez Saeed
Erasmus+ Coordination Office,
Office of Grants & Academic Projects
Salahaddin University-Erbil