In the Cultural and Social Centre of SUE, College of Law and Political Sciences held the third meeting titled “The Referendum and the Destiny of Kurdistan Region,” sponsored by Kurdistan 24 Media Network.
In the meeting, there were a number of politicians, government officials, academics, and experts who expressed their points-of-view on the issue in order to reach a consensus about the preparation and organization that the process requires for the present Kurdistan Region and the future of an independent Kurdistan.
Here is a summary of what the participants stated.
We do not delay the referendum, not even for a day. If we do, we will lose credibility both in the country and abroad.
by Hoshyair Zebari
Other parties could say it is not the right time; however, it is wrong to say Kurds do not have the right to independence.
by Saadi Pira
All the key issues are resolved through negotiation.
by Abdulsatar Majeed
We have shouldered a historical responsibility; we have to have our say in the referendum.
by Dr Khaleel Ismael
It has never happened for a country to hold the referendum and we invalidate it.
by Jaafar Iminiki
Protection of the people living in Kirkuk will be part of an independent Kurdistan.
by Rebwar Talabani
With all the natural resources at our disposal, we can have an international support for the independence.
by Dr Kawan Ismael