In a ceremony and with the presence of Muhsin Dizayee `Erbil well-known personality`, Nawzad Hadi `Erbil governor`, Dr. Idres Hadi `Former minister of higher education and scientific research`, Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee `the president of salahaddin university`, colleges’ council and the officials of KDP, in the college of engineering/ software department, both seminar hall and computer lab have been formally opened supervised by Muhsin Dizayee `Erbil well- known personality` which have been opend on the financial support of Jalal Baban and Mahmood Baban Family. On this occasion, each one of Dr. Sharif `head of software department`, Muhsin Dizayee, Nawzad hadi `Erbil governor` and Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee `the president of salahaddin university` have given their speeches. They have mentioned the role of Baban family as they served the kurds. They have also mentioned the role of Jalal Baban `Erbil civilization governer in the sixties. At the end of the ceremony, the president of salahaddin university gave a present and an appreciation letter to Muhsin Dizayee, he also gave a respect letter to Baban family for their great support in serving the university and kurdistan.
Date :12-6-2015