In the university presidency office, assistant professor Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee "the president of salahaddin university" with the presence of head of Turkish department in the college of languages, received a delegation of Turkish consulate in Erbil with the head of Mustafa Mastan "Turkish council representative in Kurdistan region".
In the meeting, they discussed facilitating Turkish council in Erbil and strengthening relationships between Turkish universities and Kurdistan region for getting benefits from the successful experience and sample of Turkish universities. Also in the meeting, the president of salahaddin university has expressed his deep thanks to the Turkish council for facilitating sending students of turkish language department in the college of languages/ Salahaddin university to turkey for participating in the training and improving course of turkish language in Bakhcha Shaheer University in Istanbul as decided in the middle of August to the beginning of September of this year of all studying stages 15 students and 2 lecturers for this course so that they could improve their reading and writing skills in turkish language.
This project in the mutual programme frame between the two universities. The representative of turkish council in Erbil has expressed his support to help turkish language department in salahaddin university psychologically and economically as it is the only university which has turkish language. It's also important to be mentioned that every year in July salahaddin university send students to Belkand University for fulfilling training and improving turkish language so that they can use as an original language.