With the presence of the President of Salahaddin University Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dezaye, the president of Erbil Polytechnic University Dr. Kawa Shirwani, the Assistant of the President of Hawler Medical University Dr. Kamaran Younis, Kurdistan Investment Leader Kurdistan Investment Leader Ahmed Rikani, the deans, the engineering consultant office and the staff of engineering and projects, a meeting has been arranged in the university's social and cultural centre regarding residences for those lecturers who haven’t got benefits from the other projects.
In the meeting, the presidents of Salahaddin University, Erbil Polytechnic University and the assistant of the president of Erbil Medical University have announced the declaration regarding giving this idea to lecturers by the deans and see whether they are willing to take part in the project via the investment as the place of the building is in Pirmam/Erbil.
After that, the leader of Kurdistan Investment talked about the project in details; he also added that the project should be in a great place, in good conditions and quality, in a high level as apartments. They discussed the project in the meeting so that they can transfer it to the lecturers, then, they can agree with the investment board for starting with the project.
Date :5th Dec 2015