In the presence of Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee ` the president of Salahaddin University` , a number of known lecturers and university students, families of some of college of basic education students in Salahaddin University under the name `The Right Education leads to Special Generations`. In the festival.. each one of dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee `the president of salahaddin university` and dr. Himdad Adulqahar `the dean of college of basic education` have read their speeches. The president of salahaddin university has expressed his deep thanks to the deanary of the college as the university is so appreciated their hard working to raise the level of college of basic education and that the future of their graduates is so shiny. After that a great number of different activities were presented such as: reading poet, art works, short geographical, historical and educational films, haran and horse riding. It’s important to be mentioned that all the departments of the college of basic education have been participated: English, Kurdish, Mathematics, Social sciences, General Science and Kindergarten, they were well-prepared for the festival, the activities were on the kurds life in the past, their traditions, their cloths, their tradition food and the kurdish dance besides a number of other different activities of science departments.. also in the festival, there were a part of books destribution in which lecturers and students have destributed useful books to the college liberary. On the other hand, for the second year and for the first time in the university, there were a conversation between one of the a student’s parent and a lecturer regarding the level of the student and the relations with the lecturers and the directorate of the college.