In the university social and cultural centre and in the presence of Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee “the president of salahaddin university”, the university council, the council of colleges, a number of well-known university professors, those who are in charge of quality assurance, higher education developing programme and university lecturers. Dr. Yousif Goran “the minister of higher education and scientific research” has presented a seminar under the title of “The New View and Plan of Higher Education Reform”. In his seminar, Dr. Yousif Goran has shed the light on higher education in kurdistan region and the most new developed steps in this field. Dr. Yousif Goran has showed in a number of topics the new data and statistics and shed the light on the role of the universities of kurdistan region and the efforts on giving interests on the scientific research, the developing programme of studying and its relationship with workshop, the national level project of kurdistan universities, according to polish process and kurdistan universities will be consistent to European Scientific Standards, in this frame and at the beginning of the seminar, Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee “the president of salahaddin university” in the name of the present has welcomed the minister of higher education and scientific research and has explained the reason of the seminar so that the lecturers will be more close to the plan of the ministry for higher education reform. Dr. Yousif Goran has explained that when we are talking about reform we don’t mean something bad and reforming it or decreasing the interest of the efforts, it means renewing and coinciding with today's situation. He also talked about the road map of higher education reform. At the beginning he talked the history of higher education in kurdistan. He said that from 1991, kurdistan region was the owner of one governmental university to be the owner of tens universities, nearly 575 scientific departments, 106000 students and 7258 lecturers. He added that we can’t be satisfied with this statistics. We have to developed ourselves and compared ourselves with good, better and the best. Dr. Yousif Goran has also mentioned that Iraq in general and its research result: in 2004 its level was high but compared with other countries it is low. He also added that one of the main duties in the new plan of higher education is giving importance to research and for this reeason a high committee for researches anyone wants to participate can send his/her CD. The ministry of higher education is
working from now on the national level of kurdistan universities as there will be a competition among the universities to increase the scientific level. He said that fulfiling this project is in order to increase the level of kurdistan universities. In his seminar, the minister of higher education and scientific research has also explained in details the Polish process and declared : we are working really hard to go into this process as the polish process is a scientific foundation in higher education field. Until now, 48 countries have participated in it and they are all committed with its principles. He also added that if we can go into this process in this problem of united identity and exchanging among kurdistan universities and european universities in the same level and grade. Dr. Yousif Goran has also added that this process is not easy and that we should work really hard for it in the field of higher education law, language, scientific, academic and administration as if we can fulfil 50% so we will be passed a great step. At the end of the seminar, thediscussion was opened and the lecturers’ questions which were regarding developing the university situation have been answered by Dr. Yousif Goran “the minister of higher education and scientific research”. Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee has presented his gifts to Dr. Yousif Goran.