The University president Dr Ahmed Dezaye along with university presidents of Sulaimany, Duhok, Ishik, and Human Development, and the representative of Ministry of Higher Education in the KRG met with the UK Minister of State for the Middle East Al
On 21 April 2018, Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) hosted the Annual Meeting of the International Universities Council in the Social and Cultural Centre of the University.
With the presence of Dr Ahmed Dezaye Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) president, dean of College of Arts and head of Artictural Engineering, a workshop was arranged for Dr Cecilia Petri, the representative of the French organization IFPO.
Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) president Dr Ahmed Dezaye welcomed a delegation from Belgium, which was accompanied by Dlawar Azhgayee.
In a cultural season, College of Education in Shaqlawa honoured a number of lecturers who have achieved excellence in the quality assurance process.
Attended by the University president, vice presidents, deans, lecturers and researchers of Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE), the University honoured a number of professors.
On Wednesday, Salahaddin University Erbil (SUE) in collaboration with the institutes of Ainda, Rawanduz and Akre held a symposium at SUE titled “The Current Crisis in the Kurdistan Region: Causes and Solutions”.
Dr Ahmed Dezaye accompanied by Dr Idrees Hadi, Dr Amjed Sabeer and Dr Lazgeen Delo attended the 51st meeting of the Arab universities which continued for two days in the Islamic University in Lebanon.
Dr Jawhar Fatah, the acting president of Salahaddin University Erbil (SUE) welcomed a delegation from Gottingen University headed by Prof. Dr. Muuss, Director of International Relations.
With the presence of Dlawar Azhgayee Kurdistan Regional Government’s representative in EU, a delegation of KRG universities including Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) President Dr Ahmed Dezaye participated in the Erasmus program of EU which went