On Monday, 18 September 2017, 10:00 am, in coordination with the Dutch Institute for international relations Clingendael and NWO organisation, a workshop was arranged in Erbil International Hotel.
In their visit to Lithuania, a delegation consisting of SUE president, Head of Industry Department Dr. Nabil Husein, Head of Survey Department Dr. Haval Jabbar, and Head of Civil Engineering Dr.
The acting president of SU, Asst. Prof. Dr Jawhar Fatah Saeed, welcomed a delegation from Cambridge University headed by Prof. Dr Jeoffry Khan and his guest companions.
Dr Ahmed Dezaye accompanied by many university expert instructors of RS, GLS, Food Technology and Surveying attended a conference in Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania.
In his office, Dr Ahmed Dezaye welcomed a delegation from Irbid National University headed by the university president Dr Ziad Kurdi along with the Secretary General of Arab Universities Association Dr. Sultan Aurabi.
The universities in Kurdistan and Iraq held a meeting in Erbil International Hotel.
In the office of SUE president, Dr Ahmed Dezaye welcomed a delegation of Cyprus Science University consisting of the President of the University Dr Ahmed Juksel, and media director Yilmaz Krukz.
College of Islamic studies at SUE in coordination with Intellectual Group of Islam in Kurdistan arranged a panel for Dr Abdullah Mullah Said, Abdurahman Sidiq and Krmanj Younis Osman titled “Referendum… an identity for a nation and a definition fo