About DOIT
About DOIT
Directorate of Information Technology (DOIT) is one of the significant directories at Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) which provides IT support to the University.
Generally, DOIT provides services to create or maintain email accounts, websites, necessary systems for students and academic and administrative staff.
DOIT also conducts workshops and training to help introduce the University staff to its services.
According to the strategic plan of the University to become developed on an international level, DOIT supports all the areas where teaching, learning, and research are conducted and are in need of a strong database and IT support at the colleges, centres and directories at the University.
The objective of DOIT is to create an environment where all technological services are provided. Also, the objective is to build a strong infrastructure to help facilitate the tasks and find new solutions to issues in order to support students, and staff at the University.