The third day of "Teacher Training and Development: Entrepreneurship and Diversity education" workshop continued with informative seminars and beneficial activities. First, Mr. Hewran Abdulla and Ms. Razaw Rashid presented a seminar on "Teaching Entrepreneurship Education" and they gave practical steps as to the teaching of Entrepreneur Education. This was followed by another seminar on "Student Company" and how to make use of it while teaching Entrepreneurship Education in classrooms. Later, Dr. Sami Ali Hussein and Dr. Walaa Dzayee held an activity on "How to Establish Student Company". The participants practiced establishing student company along with many other things that are necessary within the company.
Diversity Education training involved interesting activities as well. At first, Ms. Bahar Zahir led a discussion on "Diversity in School Curriculum in Kurdistan region". Participants had many opinions on the topic. Then, the participants analyzed some textbooks to measure the level of diversity within each book. The last part of day three was a presentation by Mr. Nidham Hassan as he discussed the researches conducted by undergraduate students.