Assistant Professor Dr. Kamaran Younis Mohammadamin has a BSc in Chemistry, MSc in Biochemistry and PhD in Clinical Biochemistry. He has a lot of experience in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students at the College of Medicine and the College of Health Sciences. He has extensive experience in higher education management and administration. He previously held the positions of Acting President, Vice President for Admin and Financial Affairs and Vice President for Students Affairs at Hawler Medical University. He also worked as the General Registrar of Hawler Medical University and the Registrar of the College of Medicine.
Besides, he headed or acted as a member of different committees such as examination committees, postgraduate studies, university planning and development and scientific committees. He has published several research papers on the different aspects of clinical biochemistry and supervised several postgraduate students (MSc and PhD students). His research interest is in the field of clinical biochemistry.
Personal Details
Dr. Kamaran Younis Mohammadamin
Assistant Professor of Clinical Biochemistry Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq
Tel.: +9647504661475
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Oct 2004
PhD Clinical Biochemistry
College of Medicine, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Iraq
University order 3/2/11374 on 09.10.2004
Nov 1998
MSc Medical Biochemistry
College of Medicine, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Iraq
University order 3/2/7343 on 29.11.1998
Jul 1991
BSc Chemistry
Salahaddin University-Erbil, Iraq
Academic Posts Held
Assistant Professor of Clinical Biochemistry, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq 2004-2009
Lecturer of Clinical Biochemistry, College of Medicine, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq
Assistant Lecturer of Biochemistry, College of Medicine, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Iraq
Instructor of Biochemistry, College of Medicine, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Iraq
Administrative Posts Held
Acting President, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq
Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq
2008 -2015
Vice President for Students’ Affairs, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq
General Registrar, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq
Registrar, College of Medicine, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Iraq
Held different positions on an acting basis including; University President, Vice President for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies, Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Dean of the College of Health Sciences (2 years), Dean of the College of Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry and the Medical Research Center, Head of the Department of Clinical Biochemistry of the College of Health Sciences (2 years).
Membership of Committees
One year analysis laboratory course / Erbil
2002 Medical Education Development course / Mosul
2006 Scientific methods of human resources management / Egypt
2008 Medical Education Development course / Erbil
Supervision of postgraduate studies
Language proficiency
Fluent in Kurdish, Arabic, English and Turkish