Attended by Prof. Ahmed Dezaye, the University President, Dean of College of Education, and a number of teachers and students, a Nano-Glass for laboratory – a glass making lab – was opened at Physics Department at College of Education.
Attended by a large number of SUE lecturers, government officials, and MPs the forum for fighting drug addiction and drug awareness was arranged in Caucher Birkar Hall at Social and Cultural Centre of the University.
Attended by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr Yousif Goran, President of Salahaddin University Dr Ahmed Dezaye and a number of MPs and governmental officials, Archeology Department at SUE arranged a seminar titled “Archeo
Prof. Dr Ahmed Dezaye, President of Salahaddin Univerity (SUE), welcomed a delegation of Hekari University which was headed by the President of the university Prof. Omar Pakizh, and Prof. Erdogan Bada Vice President of the university.
Attended by the acting president of the University Dr Jawhar Fattah, representatives of Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Education, second education conference of colleges of basic education went underway in Caucher Birkar Hall at Cult
Attended by Dr Yousif Goran the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, President of Lebanese-French University, and a number of SUE lecturers, the first pedagorgy training was arranged at the University.
Prof. Ahmed Anwar Dezaye, Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) president, welcomed SUE team of weight lifting following their win of Kurdistan Region universities weight lifting tournament.
Prof. Ahmed Dezaye welcomed a delegation from Mohammed Sadir Association in the presidency office.
As part of the debate competition this year, Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) students won for the third time successively and have reached the finals.
History Department of College of Arts arranged the second conference on the history of Erbil in Caucher Birkar in the Cultural and Social Centre of the University.