A number of lecturers and students were honored by the university council on 13-jun-2019, with the attendance of the university president the ceremony started and 6 students who won the Kurdistan universities competition, and 5 lecturers were also
In conference hall of Kurdistan university in Sinna city, Dr. Atef abudllah the dean of college of languages and his assistant, the international relation manager, and Dr.
Attended by the University President, members of University council and a number of teachers, new professors of SUE were honoured.
A Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) delegation paid a visit to the Kurdistan University of Sanandaj. The delegation consisted of Dr Atif Farhadi, prof. Himdad Hussein, Dr Mazin Osman, Mr Talaat Hamad, Mr Hoshmand Ibrahim.
In Caucher Birkar Hall of the University, SUE conferred an award on a number of dignitaries who had a role in initiating and supporting the teacher education process in the College of Basic Education-Evening at SUE.
Invited by the American Embassy in Iraq and American Consulate in Erbil, the University president Dr Ahmed Dezaye participated in the annual conference of NAFSA organization in Washington, USA.
By the attendance of University president, vice president for student affairs, dean of language college, and a great number of lecturers from 20 different universities, at the beginning the president of Kurdistan university presented a welcome spe
Salahaddin University-Erbil paid a visit to the University of Göttingen (aka Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) in Germany to participate in a training workshop.
The University delivered a two-day training course for employees of the centres and directories.
Salahaddin University arranges a workshop about news report writing, in coordination with Director of Economics in Numbers Institute, at Social and Cultural Centre.