بهئامادهبوونى پ.د.ئهحمهد ئهنوهر دزهیى سهرۆكى زانكۆى سهلاحهدین و ژمارهیهك لهئهندامى پهرلهمانى كوردستان و بهرپرسى حكومى و حزبى، كۆلیژى زانسته ئهندازییه كشتوكاڵییهكانى زانكۆى سهلاحهدین، لههۆڵى كۆچهر بیركار لهسهنتهرى رۆشنبی
On Thursday, 31st Oct. 2019, the Debate Committee held a meeting at Salahaddin Entrepreneurship Education Centre, College of Basic Education, Salahaddin University-Erbil.
رێنمایی خوێندنی باڵا/ماستهر و دكتۆرا له زانكۆكانی ههرێم بۆ سالی 2019-2020 بۆتان رهوانه دهكهین.
Upon renewing the contract within the Erasmus plus programme of EU, a delegation from the Slovak University of Cyril and Methodius visited the presidency of Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) and a number of colleges to discuss mutual projects.
To bring attention to the ability and experience of our university students, SUE presents support and grants to the students.
The university aims to present grants and financial support in each of the two following fields:
To bring attention to the ability and experience of our university students, SUE presents support and grants to the students.
The university aims to present grants and financial support in each of the two following fields:
In the Presidency Divan of Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE), Dr. Jawhar (the acting university president) received a special delegation from Cyril and Methodius University from Slovakia.
Attended by the acting president of Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE), the Vice-President for Scientific and Postgraduate Studies, Dr Deputy Speaker of KRG Parliament, a number of MPs, governmental officials and deans of SUE colleges, an internati
Learning Management System - Moodle workshop was held on 17 October, 2019 at Salahaddin University-Erbil.
Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) in cooperation with Kurdistan Centre for Quran and Hadith Scientific Miracles held an international conference titled "Scientific Evidence in the Quran and the Hadith".