بهسهرۆكایهتى پ.د.جهوههر فهتاح سهعید سهرۆكى زانكۆى سهلاحهدین ئهنجوومهنى زانكۆى سهلاحهدین لههۆڵى كۆچهر بیركار، لهسهنتهرى رۆشنبیریى زانكۆى سهلاحهدین كۆبوونهوه، ئهم كۆبوونهوهیهش چهندین تهوهرى لهخ
Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) takes part online in the Summit of Scientific Leaders in Iraq under the title “Learning has no Limit”.
Despite the lockdown measures, due to coronavirus, Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) has not seized its projects and activities.
پەيامى بەڕێز پرۆفيسورى ياريدەده ر دكتۆر ابراهيم أحمد سەنگەسەرى ماموستا لە كوليژى زانستە ئيسلاميەكان سەبارەت بە بەردەوام بوون لەپروسەى خويندن لەرێگەى ئيليكترۆنى وئۆنلاين لەسەردەمى كۆڕۆنادا.
The University's improved projects and programs have seen it in international rankings of universities.
Despite the lockdown measures in Kurdistan Region due to Covid-19, Salahaddin University-Erbil (SUE) has continued the efforts to keep close contact with the academic staff, students, universities and network companies.
Directorate of Quality Assurance and Curriculum Development has carried out several activities during the lockdown using alternative methods.