On 5/12/2018, at the Cultural and Social Centre of Salahaddin University-Erbil, the University President Dr Ahmed Dezaye, University Council, deans, heads of departments, lecturers and students of the University, a seminar was presented by Dr Awat
Salahaddin University-Erbil celebrated its success in the Kurdistan Region university rankings in a carnival.
Attended by the Deputy Prime Minister of KRG, the Minister of Higher Education and University presidents, the Ministry of Higher Education announced the KRG university rankings for its third time.
Following the announcement of the national rankings of the Kurdistan Region universities in 2017-18 by The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Salahaddin University was ranked first among all the other universities.
As part of the MEGI German-Iraqi project for mechanical engineering, the third symposium was held in the Cultural and Social Center of Salahaddin University-Erbil.
The University president, Asst. Prof. Dr Ahmed Dezaye and the University Vice-President for Administrative and Financial Issues Dr Jawher Fatah welcomed the Consul General of China in Erbil, Mr Ni-Ruchi.
Salahaddin University President Dr Ahmed Dezaye and the University Vice-President for Administrative and Financial Affairs welcomed the Consul General of the USA in Erbil and his guest delegation in the College of Basic Education.
On November 7th , 2018 ,Salahaddin University-Erbil delegation consist of Professor Dr.Ahmed Anwar Dezaye president of Salahaddin University, professor Dr.
Salahaddin University-Erbil has seen a considerable progress among the universities in Iraq and Kurdistan Region and has been ranked high among the international universities.
On November 5th , 2018 ,Salahaddin University-Erbil delegation consist of Professor Dr.Ahmed Anwar Dezaye president of Salahaddin University, professor Dr.