Till now, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Kurdistan Region is not connected to the network because there isn't infrastructure for that purpose, and there is no e-management and automation to the operations of its departments. To solve this problem, comes a proposal of “Construct an Automatic Management Across a Local website for the Ministry of higher education - KURDistan region”, which is called CAMAL-KURD.
CAMAL-KURD aims to achieve official treatments electronically instead of the traditional manual method across connection the ministry departments with each other using a local website, to verifying of the ideal use of time, effort and money, and also to facilitate the task of the citizen or governmental establishments.
For CAMAL-KURD will select a hierarchical construction, so the site map of CAMAL-KURD consists of three levels, LEVEL 1 (index/home web page) explains the structure of higher education ministry which cover the functions using hyperlinks, LEVEL 2 contains the sections and departments of higher education ministry, and LEVEL 3 is take care with functions/tasks of each section and department in the ministry.
CAMAL-KURD’s requirements divided into, hardware will need Fast-Ethernet (LAN) technology as first step to connect the departments of ministry via Client/Server network, later when avail infrastructure for e-governments/e-management maybe reach to campus network. software represented by installing windows server 2003, to implement the proposal design of CAMAL-KURD will use PHP script as web programming that supports the server, while HTML and JavaScript to support the client side, for dynamic CAMAL-KURD will base on relational database, which is created using MySQL, to support processing hundreds of queries per second, Kurdish Unicode to support Kurdish fonts of GUI’s, Moreover, CAMAL-KURD allows each department in the ministry to enter to its own section and prevent accessing to other sections by using HTAccessible program which allows the user to access by IP address.
The important conclusions of applying CAMAL-KURD are, making backup to CAMAL-KURD’s databases using the option (zipped) will reach the size to ~3% of origin database size, sufficient security techniques, through achieving levels of security, hidden reach to the administrator section, and finally CAMAL-KURD when compares with traditional and Oman project, show if not more better it is same in efficiency with some features of Oman project.