With presence of the deputy prime minister of KRG Qubad Talabani and minister of Housing and Construction Darbaz Kosrat, Dr Ahmed Dezaye, and number of ministers and university lecturers, an academic seminar about construction was arranged by Ministry of Housing and Construction and SU in the palace of Shahid Saad Abdulla in Erbil which will last for two days.
In the beginning, SU president delivered a speech in which his Excellency shed light on the collaboration between SU and government associations in various fields. Then he discussed the significance of universities in carrying out different projects in Kurdistan Region.
Later, a short documentary film about the projects of Ministry of Housing and Construction was presented.
Following that Darbaz Kosrat, the Minister of Housing and Construction of KRG delivered a speech in which he regarded highly the role the universities in KRG, particularly SU.
Adnrella Awtona, a professor planning and renovation, presented a research project about construction.
Safwat Fathil presented a research about the roads in Sweden and how to get benefit from the methods used in that country.
At the end of the first panel, Qubad Talabani and Darbaz Kosrat presented honorary awards to the two researchers in that panel.
Date :22th Feb 2017