On 16th April 2015 Professor Ibrahim Hamarash the vice president of Scientific Affairs and postgraduate studies at Salahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq visited Glyndwr University, Wrexam, UK to review the partnership programs between two parties.
During his visit Professor Hamarash met with Professor Graham Upton, the Vice Chancellor of Glyndwr University and his senior staff including Professor Peter Excell, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Professor Brian Foxon, Director of International Operations, Suzanne Riley, Head of International Buisness Relations and Fundraising, Olga Edwards from International Office, Jo Corless, Collaboration Partner Manager, Dr.Colin Stuhlfelder, Program Leader of Architectural Design, Professor Richard Day, Professor of Composites Engineering, Professor Alison McMillan, Professor of Aerospace Technology, Professor Leila Luukko, Head of Second Language Learning Centre.
The topics of the discussion were Split Site PhD, Salahaddin PhD students Visiting Glyndwr as Academic Researchers for 3-6 months, Staff exchange, Summer Schools, Language Training, Attending Conferencese and Conducting Joint Researches. The two parties approved to work together to apply for EU and UK funded programs for international linkage programs. The oiutcome of the visit was a general MoU signed by the two universities.
Date :20-04-2015