In the university presidency office, Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee welcomes the Iranian Consul in Erbil “Mortaza Ebadi” and the accompanied delegation. In the meeting Abdullah Akrayee in the Kurdistan Regional Government Communications who attends to discuss the communications between Salahaddin University and Iranian Universities, they also talked about visiting a group of students from Persian Department to Urmia University, besides carrying out a number of seminar activities by Salahaddin University academics and Iranian Universities’ lecturers with College of Islamic Sciences, college of Law and Political Sciences which will be carried out in the near future. On the other side, a number of Iranian universities are to visit Erbil City in order that those students who are interested in studying in the Iranian Universities will be more familiar with them.
The Iranian Consul has mentioned that a number of different books with different subjects will be gifted to Salahaddin University. The President of Salahaddin University from his side showed his gratitude and deep thanks to the Iranian Consulate for its cooperation.