On the invitation letter of international bank, Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee`the president of Salahaddin University `participated in a special conference of higher education in Beirut` the capital city of Lebanon`. As it is a conference for both topics subjects: quality and administrative assurance in the universities. In the frame of the conference, the president of salahaddin university has presented a special seminar on the quality assurance in Kurdistan Region. In his seminar, Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee has mentioned the successful process of a number of years which have been appreciated by Kurdistan Regional Government; this process is considerate to be a support for the higher education reforms which started few years age and it is continuous for the future. It's important to be mentioned that both Iraqi and Lebanese ministers of education were present in the first day of the conference and delivered their speeches. In the same day, the president of salahaddin university has participated in a special panel for managing universities and he focused on the shape and the systems of managing universities in Kurdistan Region and all the great changes in the higher education field. For acknowledgment, Dr.Dilan `the assistant of the president of Koye University` was present as a representative of the ministry of higher education and scientific research; he participated in the special panel for the quality assurance of higher education and scientific research ministry.
Date :13-05-2015