President of Salahaddin University-Erbil signed MoU with Huawei
On 12 April 2023, Asst. Prof. Dr Kamaran Younis M. Amin, President of SUE (Salahaddin University-Erbil), in the presence of Dr Mardin Abdullah Anwar, Director of IT Centre at SUE and Mr Ahmed Abdul Fattah Abdul Razzaq received a delegation from Huawei, which included Dr Rafid Abbas, Vice President of Huawei in Iraq and Dr Jamal Ahmed, Director of Relations at Huawei.
Huawei is set to establish the Huawei Support Centre Academy at SUE to supervise all Huawei academies in the universities in Iraq.
At the beginning of the meeting, the President of SUE welcomed the guest delegation and appreciated the presence of Huawei for all the activities they have conducted at SUE and congratulated all the parties on the opening of this new centre.
For his part, Dr Rafid Abbas spoke about the importance of this new centre and the role of SUE, which has been a leading university in Iraq in participating in competitions, courses and training.
It is worth mentioning that Huawei is opening the Huawei Academy Support Centre at SUE for the first time in Iraq to supervise and monitor the Huawei academies in Iraqi universities, as well as to open conduct courses and training for teachers and students.