The President of Salahaddin University “Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee”, declared a great news regarding making A Residence Unit for the higher education staff in Erbil city. For years of trying to make a residence unit for a great number of lecturers with the support of the honorable government president. Since taking the agreement form the responsible parts, they decided to stop the project. Last week we have been infromed that this piece of land has been formaly restricted for the residence unit of the university staff which has been sighned by the honored Mr. Nachirvan Barzani “Kurdistan Prime Minister and the President of the High Investment Council”, by the number of 203 for 11/05/2015. This means that the prime minister gives a special priority for the higher education staff. The place of making these unit would be part 15 of Rashai Asaadi Hill near the university campus on Kikuk-Erbil road and the area is 272 acres. He also mentioned that this project will be by Dang Company and directly under the supervision of the directorate of engineering and projcts. It will be for the higher education staff who are residents of Erbil city and 70% for salahaddin university staff. Dizayee also added that the way of distribution has its regulations as the minister of higher education will form a special committee for making the regulations. The most important thing for us is to start working immediately on this project to solve the residence problems of the university staff. From this angle, we expressed our deep thanks to honored Mr. Nachirvan Barzani “Kurdistan Prime Minister” for giving us this golden chance and the dreams of the university staff will come true.