The president of salahaddin university `Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dezaye`, for the reason of expressing his deep thanks and appreciation to the editor in chief and director of the newspaper, has visited the main office of KDP Khabat Newspaper. The president of salahaddin university has been welcomed by Mr. Salam Abdullah “the editor in chief” and Mr. Dilshad Wasani `director of khabat newspaper`.
In the meeting and besides expressing his deep thanks and appreciation for their hard work, the president of Salahaddin University also expressed his thanks to the staff of the newspaper as they published the university activities as they are to the readers. He also expressed his proudness that it is a 50 year of hard work.
Today we have many master and PhD which have been written on it academically. He also added that because of the newspaper’s credibility, He tries daily to reach it by visiting the newspaper website as it is a source of the news and the archive of us and many other people.
At the end of the meeting, Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dezaye gave the university present to the editor in chief and director of khabat newspaper, expressing his wishes that they will always be on progress to provide the truth to the audience to express their love to the Independent State of Kurdistan.
Date :22-09-2015