In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Dear teachers,
Dear students,
Dear esteemed guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,
It is a great honour today to witness the graduation ceremony of another round of Salahaddin University students who have received their education, acquired their qualifications, and in the next stage of their life, they are suitably equipped to serve their own country. Therefore, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to the graduates of this round and I wish them every success in the future. I would like to express my gratitude to the respected teachers who have taken upon themselves to fulfil the sacred duty of educating the students. Thanks to the presidency of the University, deans of the colleges and heads of the departments who have overseen the higher education process throughout this year and have carried it through successfully.
Dear teachers and students,
Despite all the impediments and challenges facing them, Kurdistani people, pertaining to different races and religions, have proven to be strong in the face of hardships. They have made the supreme sacrifice to recognise exceptional achievements. Kurdistani people have stood firm in the face of the extremists’ encroachments, intimidations, and besiegement of our cities. The Peshmerga have dispelled the myth surrounding the terrorists and in so doing they have gained the respect of the nations worldwide. In their fight against the terrorists, the proud sons and daughters of Kurdistan have embodied remarkable examples of courage and sacrifice. They are, indeed, worthy of a heart-felt praise.
Meanwhile, Kurdistan is defending the values of humanity on behalf of the world and this has promoted its position in the international community. Kurdistani people have friends and allies all over the world who support the legitimate rights of our nation. Now it is time for the Kurds, like the other nations in the world, to possess sovereignty and identity of their own to act independently and make a progress. Therefore, we need our young citizens to be brought up believing in the love of humanity, their nation, and their own country, and they should develop self-confidence so that we become the ambassadors protecting humanity and promoting development in the area and in the world as well. For this purpose, teachers, students, scholars and scientists will have an effective and decisive role.
Here, I would like to declare my complete support for the students and the academia in Kurdistan. With a collective effort, we should promote the standard of our universities to that of the world accredited universities. Public and private sectors should employ the graduates so that they utilise their expertise in rebuilding the country.
The students and the youth are the beacons of hope for this nation. Your graduation and success have given me a great pleasure.
I wish you all happiness.
Masoud Barzani
The President Of Kurdistan Region
30 June 2016
Date:2th July 2016