Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dezaye “the president of Salahaddin University”, with the presence of Dr. Saadullah Abbas “the university president assistant for students affairs”, Dr. Safeen Yasine “Dean of College of Engineering”, Dr. Muhammad Shakir “Dean of College of Islamic Sciences”, Dr. Attif Farhadi “Dean of College of Languages” and Dr. Muhammad Aziz “Director of International Academic Relations”, they welcomed a delegation from Iranian Higher Education Ministry headed by Dr. Hussein Salar “Iranian Deputy Minister of Higher Education”, the delegation consisted of Dr. Muhammad Ali “the president assistant of University of Science and Technology”, Dr. Muhammad Akhbari “the president of University of Applied Sciences”, Dr. Ali Assfari “the president of Payame Noor University”, Dr. Fardine Akhlaqyan “the president of Kurdistan University in Sana” and a number of representatives of the presidents of University of Islamic Azad, directors and private offices of university of Iranian Academic Farhang.
In the meeting, after welcoming the delegation, the president of Salahaddin University has also expressed his appreciation of the visit, they had a small talk about Salahaddin University and the state of higher education in Kurdistan Universities, he has also shed the light on the progress level of Kurdistan universities. Also, the Iranian deputy minister of higher education has expressed their happiness of the visit; he has also declared that the reason behind this visit is to make an academic and scientific mutual agreement between Salahaddin University and Iranian universities so that they can bring the developed experience of Iranian universities to Kurdistan universities. Then, each of the presidents of the guest delegation universities talked about their universities and expressed their readiness to offer scientific and academic support. In return, the president of Salahaddin University has expressed his readiness to sign an agreement and start immediately to offer scientific services. At the end, the president of Salahaddin University has dedicated presents to the president and members of the delegation. The Iranian delegation has also dedicated a present to the president of Salahaddin University. It’s essential to be mentioned that Salahaddin University has always have strong relations with Iran.
They will have a number of scientific activities in Erbil and Iranian universities, they also opened a book exhibition, it has been decided that a conference will be arranged regarding water in the framework of scientific cooperation. It’s important to be mentioned that Dr. Hussein salar has opened a book exhibition in Pishawa hall and has a meeting with the minister of higher education of Kurdistan Region.
Date :1th Mar 2016