In salahaddin university social and culture center, with the presence of assistant professor Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee "the president of salahaddin university", private and local university academic staff of Erbil city, colleges council, professors, directors of university presidency, students and lecturers, in a special ceremony, Harry Schute has dedicated all the presents a book under the title of "Kurdistan Tour Guide" which were more than 500 copies.
In the ceremony, besides welcoming the guests, the president of salahaddin university has expressed his deep thanks and appreciation to Harry Schute who is very near to the Kurds and could write a book on Kurdistan tour in English language and then publish it locally and internationally. After that, Harry Schute expressed in a speech his deep thanks to salahaddin university for arranging this ceremony for dedicating the book to the academic personalities to get benefits from it, especially tourist and English departments. Then he dedicated the tour guide with his signature on it to the presents.
Date :25th Nov 2015 Modified: 26th Nov 2015