Despite the economic crisis and the war on terror, Salahaddin University continues its academic activities, receives foreign universities‘ delegations and organizes conferences and seminars. In this context, a three-day conference was held in Salahaddin University‘s Cultural Centre, on a joint project between (Baghdad, Erbil, and Erlangen (BEEP)). The conference started in the presence of Dr. Ahmed Anwar Dezaye, the President of Salahaddin University, and Dr. Shafiq Albahadir, Director of the Iraqi Economic Research Institute. The main subject of the conference is the joint projects between German, Iraqi and Kurdistan universities according to the exchange programme. It is also a critical reflection on the past six years‘ activities and discussion of the next steps.
In his speech, Dr. Shafiq Albahadir, Director of the Iraqi Economic Research Institute, thanked Salahaddin University for hosting all the conferences of the project, titled Iraqi-German Academic Exchange Programme, and supported by the German DAAD.
Dr. Ahmed Anwar Dezaye, the President of Salahaddin University, welcomed the German, Iraqi and Kurdistani academics. He said that the programme is valuable for the universities in the area of economics. He also commended the joint efforts of the Iraqi Economic Research Institute and the German DAAD and expressed Salahaddin University‘s readiness to extent the activities and sign agreements with other universities within the exchange programme to gain mutual academic benefit.