With the presence of SU president Dr Ahmed Dezaye, the former head of Executive Council of Association of Arab Universities, a large number of representatives and presidents of public and private universities, head of Kurdistan Universities Commission, and more than 100 member universities in the association, an impromptu conference was held in Amman, Jordan.
In the conference, which was hosted by Zaituna University in Amman, a number of significant subjects were discussed, among the most significant was the new membership of 10 KRG universities which included Sulaimany University, Koya University, Sulaimany Polytechnic University, Human Development University, Soran University, Jihan University, Bayan University, Erbil International University, Erbil Polytechnic University, and Lebanese -French University. Following that, the membership of KRG universities in this association has reached 17 universities, and they will have a better stake and influence on the resolutions made about academia, and the ones related to the academic process in KRG.
Also, in the meeting, it was resolved that the Commission of Secretary Generals of the Association of Arab Universities will be extended for another year; in making the decision, KRG universities had a key role. This came as returning the favour to the resolution reached by the commission to welcome the KRG universities. It is expected that the next conference, which is the 50th, to be held in Iraq or KRG next year, and a new commission will be elected in which a KRG university president is the member of the Commission of Secretary Generals.
Date:7th Dec 2016