in Salahaddin University social and cultural centre and with the presence of Assistant Professor Dr.Ahmed Anwer Dizayee “the president of salahaddin university” and all the members of salahaddin university council have been attended a special ceremony to award the new university professors appreciation rewards. During the ceremony and in the speech of the president of salahaddin university “Dr.Ahmed Anwer Dizayee”, he has congratulated the new professors and has mentioned their scientific roles in different specialities, he also added that salahaddin university is proud of them for being the infra structure of higher education in kurdistan region, the number of university professors is 90 professor as it is a great number of the level of kurdistan region. It’s also important to be mentioned that salahaddin university in 1981 in Erbil city, has been really progressed as it has 24000 bachelor students, 500 master students, more than 50 PhD students, more than 2000 lecturers, 90 of them have professor title, 321 assistant professor title, 535 instructor title and 1087 assistant instructor title.
Date :30-06-2015