In the Presidency Ofiice of Salahaddin University, assistant professor Dr. Ahemd Anwer Dizayee `the president of salahaddin university` received a delegation from UK University of Leicester. Professor Paul Boiel is the president of the university and the head of the accompained delegation. During the meeting they talked about the relations between the two universities as an agreement has been signed between them in 2012. In this meeting the agreement has been extended again for ive years. They also shed the light on the research center and on fulfilling scientific research. From this point of view, university of Leicester in planning to open a branch of their university in Kurdistan as this university has a great history regarding scientific research as a result to raise the level of Salahaddin University internationally. The president of Leicester university has also mentioned that they have important projects for Kurdistan, for this reason they work with different ministries. He mentioned that one of the projects is to make an agricultural plan in Kurdistan Region. It’s also important to be mentioned that Leicester university is one of the most successful universities locally and internationally. Salahaddin university has three PhD and master students in Leicester university, most of them have finished their studies and came back to kurdistan, they talk about their great experience in their lectures in Kurdistan.
Date :01-05-2015