In the presence of the representatives of the five political parties of Kurdistan Region eighth cabinet participants, Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee `the president of Salahaddin University`, a number of well-known members of Parliament, the president of Kurdistan Parliament Fraction, the other ethics and religions of Kurdistan, the university lecturers who are specialized in constitutional field and the academics of Kurdistan other universities, they were present in salahaddin university social and cultural centre in Erbil`The Capital City of Kurdistan`, Salahaddin University concluded the academic and political symposium under the title `For Kurdistan Region Constitution`. At the end of the panel, there were discussions on Kurdistan five political parties under the title of `the attitude of the political parties` on the project of Kurdistan region constitution. After that and at the end of the symposium, the final statement has been distributed, in a part of the statement: after along difficult two days of discussion on the different pivots of constitution for the future of Kurdistan. There are a number of items which should be discussed at the end of the symposium:
1. At the end of the two days symposium, six panels have been arranged, in each panel a number of topics have been discussed on the introduction and the articles of the constitution project in 2009. The discussion of politicians and t academics of different specialities in the presence of different religions of Kurdistan region.
2. After discussions on all the topics, we realized that the confirmed constitution project of kurdistan region in 2009, a number of mistakes by linguists and political and lawful defect, have an open request as the starting committee for a new kurdistan region constitution, have to be treated and put a strong constitution.
3. A great nomber of kurdistan region constitution project in 2009 have been discussed on, but the articles which they talked about, criticized on and have notices on them are (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,19,18,23,31,32,34,35,41,50,53,56,65,74,77,98,101,102, 106,107,109).
4. Many notcies regarding the articles of kurdistan constitution of 2009 and discussing the articles and items of the Iraqi Federal Constitution of 2005.
5. Many notices regarding kurdistan constitution project of 2009 have been discussed on the weak reality.
6. Until today, there are a number of questions regarding the new committee of kurdistan region constitution which should be solved, these questions are:
Is the coming constitution for kurdistan region only or for the areas outside the region?
How the political and geographical borders of kurdistan can be restricted by the time of stopping article 140?
The coming constitution of kurdistan region is it going to be committed for the parliament system or it will be another kind?
How will the new constitution define the political and lawful identity of kurdistan in and out of kurdistan? And other number of questions.
It is important to be mentioned that salahaddin university symposium for kurdistan region constitution lasted for two days in which six panels have been discussed and in each panel for pivots have been discussed. This symposium lasted two days, which included six panels each panel had four pivots to be discussed. The first panel was under the title: the basis of Kurdistan constitution project, applying constitution in Kurdistan region, the basis of the political system in Kurdistan region, the civilian and democratic basis and the Islam role in Kurdistan constitution project. The second panel was for arranging Kurdistan regional contacts on the foundation and law basis of the international limit of Kurdistan region. The third panel was under the title: the political rights and freedom in Kurdistan constitution, rights and freedom of Turkmen, Syriac, Chaldean, Assyrian and other religious parts. In the second day of the symposiumthree other panels has been discussed, the first one was under the title: arranging Kurdistan regional authority, the rules of separating authority and law authority in Kurdistan region. The second panel was on the directorates and bodies, non-central and local directorates, independent bodies and commissions, financial arrangement and natural resources. The final panel of the second day, the talk was open regarding the political parties as a representative of each one of the five political parties of Kurdistan regional government will participate in the symposium.It is important to mentioned that : Jafar Emenki `member of political office of Kurdistan democratic party`, Saadi Ahmed Pera `member of political office of PUK`, Ako Hama Kareem `the organizer of the political research room of Goran movement`, Mohammed Raouf “the president of Kurdistan Islamic Union` and Mohammed Kareem `the spokesman of Kurdistan Islamic Society`, they were present in the symposium as they discussed their parties’ roles in Kurdistan regional constitution.
Date :22-05-2015