In the presence of Yousif Mohammed Sadiq "the president of Kurdistan parliament", Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee" the president of Salahaddin University", his assistants, the deans of colleges of Salahaddin University, the lecturers and students of College of Law and Political Sciences, in the presence of all the above, Strategic and Political Research Centre has been opened in the Political Sciences Department of the college of law, in a ceremony which is held in the Social and Cultural Centre, the president of Kurdistan parliament, the president of salahaddin university and the dean of college of law and political sciences read out their speeches for this occasion, a part of Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizyee s speech was that this Centre has been opened due to the request of the head of the political sciences department of the college of law and political sciences , on the official order number/office/ 593 on 5th of July 2014 and the university order number 1.1.6441 on the 13th of May 2014 has been decided on it.We took this occasion to congratulate on the opening of the Centre and its achievement in organizing various scientific and academic activities, Dizyee also added: that opening a Centre like that is to be a bridge of communications between university and society and other Kurdistan foundations to support them with scientific researches. At the same time they can offer expert opinions and consultations to private and public sectors to guide the political organizations and the political process.
Date :9/4/2015