Today, on 2nd May 2016, in the Cultural and Social Centre of Salahaddin University, with the presence of the representatives of Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Ministry of Education, President of Salahaddin University Dr Ahmed Dizayee, Mr Abdul-Wahid Head of Teachers Union, university presidents, consultants, experts, and lecturers of both ministries, a conference was held concerning paralleling the curriculum of the basic education colleges in Kurdistan Region with that of Ministry of Education.
At the beginning of the conference, in a speech, Mr. Omar Kawa the representative of Minister of Education stated that this conference was the result of a number of seminars and workshops between the Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Education. The conference aims towards promoting education in Kurdistan Region, and this project is within the framework of a strategic project by Ministry of Education which is supported by UNESCO.
Soon thereafter in the conference, Dr. Nouri Herzani, the representative of Ministry of Higher Education and scientific research addressed the audience saying that Ministry of Higher Education has tried the best to enhance the curriculum in all the universities in Kurdistan Region. It has given the university due latitude to make changes in the curriculum in order to meet the universal standards. The purpose of this conference is to make parallel the curriculum of education and basic education colleges with the curriculum of schools in Kurdistan. Accordingly, students will be acquainted with the course books before they have enrolled in the university courses.
Later, Dr. Ahmed Dizayee expressed his gratitude and stated that the financial crisis would not impede the initiatives from Salahaddin University and SU would always work hard to continue arranging seminars like this. In 2010-11, SU took the initiative of paralleling the curriculum in College of Basic Education and helped to develop and enhance the curriculum through seminars and conferences. As a result, it helped promote the level of the college.
At the end of the conference, Dr. Himdad Abdulqehar Mohammed, the organizing body supervisor of the conference, explained the agenda and the program of the conference. He announced that the conference will last for two days and representatives from all the three provinces in Kurdistan Region will partake in the conference according to their expertise. A final report will be prepared and sent to both universities in question. After it is approved, the result of the conference will be integrated into the next academic year.
Date : 4th May 2016