On 19-20/05/2015 in the Salahaddin University social and cultural centre in Erbil, the capital city of Kurdistan, for Kurdistan regional constitution, Salahaddin University arranges an academic symposium. This symposium will last two days, which will include six panels each panel, has four pivots to be discussed. The first panel will be under the title: the basis of Kurdistan constitution project, applying constitution in Kurdistan region, the basis of the political system in Kurdistan region, the civilian and democratic basis and the Islam role in Kurdistan constitution project. The second panel will be for arranging Kurdistan regional contacts on the foundation and law basis of the international limit of Kurdistan region. The third panel will be under the title: the political rights and freedom in Kurdistan constitution, rights and freedom of Turkmen, Syriac, Chaldean, Assyrian and other religious parts. In the second day of the symposium three other panels will be discussed, the first one will be under the title: arranging Kurdistan regional authority, the rules of separating authority and law authority in Kurdistan region. The second panel will be on the directorates and bodies, non-central and local directorates, independent bodies and commissions, financial arrangement and natural resources. The final panel of the second day, the talk will be open regarding the political parties as a representative of each one of the five political parties of Kurdistan regional government will participate in the symposium.
Date :17-05-2015