On Tuesday 8th/ March 2016, international week of kurdistan water in Erbil city concluded its duties after 3 day-work by presenting a number of scientific researches with the participation of internal and external universities, with the presence of Dr. Yousif Goran “minister of higher education and scientific affairs”, Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dezaye “the president of Salahaddin University”, dean of college of engineering, Muhammad Amin Faris “general director water resources of Kurdistan Region”, Akram Ahmed Rasul “general director of dams in the ministry of agriculture and water resources in Kurdistan Region”, university lecturers and staff of the related ministries, the international week has come to an end.
In his speech, the minister of higher education and scientific research has discussed the importance of fulfilling these activities regarding water of Kurdistan Region, with the presence of the universities of other parts of Kurdistan; he said that water problem is one of the world problems which people and countries give interests of. He also added that Kurdistan Region is not away from these problems so that we should take steps and strategic plans provided to Kurdistan Region Government to find suitable and scientific solutions. Dr. Yousif Goran also added that the universities should tackle these obstacles by writing scientific and academic researches regarding water and its problems.
At the end of his speech, Dr. Goran has suggested that Salahaddin University should arrange an open conference regarding water in which the neighbor countries and those countries that face water related problem should participate in the conference to provide scientific and academic suggestions to solve these problems. At the conclusion of the international week of Kurdistan Water a number of recommendations have been provided to find suitable solutions for water problems.
The recommendations were as follows:
The international week of Kurdistan water under the title of “Water For Life”, with the presence of the related ministries and university lecturers by Department of dams and water resources engineering of salahaddin university has been conclude after one week working in Erbil city. At the end of the conference, the minister of higher education and scientific research and the president of salahaddin university have pay their respect to the presents.
Date :9th Mar 2016