With the presence of Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee the President of Salahaddin University, the Assistant President of the New Campus Project High Committee, the university vice presidents, deans and heads of departments, in the Social and Cultural Centre of Salahaddin University, a ceremony took place in which curtains were drawn to unveil the master plan and design model of the new university campus project.
In the ceremony, the President of Salahaddin University, who is the Assistant President of the New Campus Project High Committee, presented a brief account of the master plan and design of the new campus project so that the partakers will be acquainted with the toil of the two-year project and in turn this will be passed onto the lecturers and students by the heads of departments.
Dr. Ahmed also expressed his wishes that the financial crises which have faced Kurdistan region lately come to an end so that budget can be assigned to this large project and the University will be able to start with the second stage of putting up the buildings. Also, the President of Salahaddin University made special mention of the great role of Mr. Kameran Ahmed the former Minister of Construction, who was the President of the New Campus Project Committee, for facilitating the success of the project from the very beginning to the present.
Moreover, in the ceremony, the Director of Dar al Handasa Company Wajdi Abu Ezaddin and the Director of the Project Dr. Salahaddin Yasine delivered their speeches. Following that, a short video clip prepared by Dar al Handasa was shown to the audience. At the end, the master plan and design of the new campus project of Salahaddin University was unveiled.
Date :09-09-2015