On Thursday night 2nd/July/2015 at 9:30 under the supervision of honored Mr.Nachirvan Barzani “the prime minister of Kurdistan region” and under the logo of “Peshmarga`s bravery and sacrifice ia a way to our independence” in the international stadium of martyr Faranso Hariri in Erbil City, with the presence of Dr.Yousif Goran “higher education and scientific research minister”, as the representative of the prime minister of kurdistan region government in the ceremony, the minister of education in kurdistan region government, the governor of Erbil city, a number of known officials in the region government and Baghdad and representatives of politicians and members of kurdistan parliament, Salahaddin university has arranged the 34th graduation ceremony. The ceremony has started with the entering of the graduates and the university lecturers. The audience have standed for few minutes for the memory of kurdistan martyrs. After that a number of Holly Quran verses have been recited. Then the speech of the president of the high committee of the graduates ceremony has been read by assistant professor Dr. Mohammed Rasheed Mukhtar. In the ceremony Dr. Ahmed Anwar Dizayee “the president of salahaddin university has read a part of The Message of His Excellency the President of Kurdistan Region:
It is my pleasure to witness today the graduation ceremony of another round of students of Salahaddin university. The 34th round of graduation of the students of this university is yet another new page of the history of the successes and prides. On this occasion, I would like to extend my heart-felt congratulations to the graduating students of this round and wish them success. I feel obliged to pass my appreciation and gratitude to the esteemed teachers of Salahaddin university, who have not let the study process down despite the dire circumstances , who have had positive effect on the progress of the Kurdistani community.
His Excellency the President of Kurdistan Region also mentioned:
During the academic year 2014-2015 our nation has faced an imposed fight against a brutal enemy, consequently you have also spent a hard year. I am pleased to witness that ,in addition to the victories of Peshmarga forces in the fight fronts and defeating the terrorists ,you have continued in the study fronts and did not let the enemies achieve their mischievous goals. The graduation of students at universities and schools in Kurdistan is yet an added victory of our nation over the terrorists. Therefore , I would like to take this opportunity to applaud for the teachers and students at all the study levels and state that simply say I feel proud of you.
Fortunately , there are many universities , institutes and academic centers in Kurdistan now that graduate many students and experts for the service of the country. Kurdistani students need to be educated and cultured with patriotic , peaceful and co-existing education and taught that his country is no less than any other developed country and his ultimate goal should be progress of his country and serving the people ; and to feel responsible in case of problems and shortcomings in the community. Meanwhile , all facilitations and necessities of a proper education should be provided for students ; the expertise of the graduating students need to be utilized in the strategic plans in both public and private sectors, so that the students serve their nations and country and contribute in the progress of the country. We put our hopes on this young generation and hope them all the best.
His Excellency the President of Kurdistan Region also added:
Salahaddin university as the mother university and all other university are of great interest to us. We do our best to support the universities for the progress of the scientific level of these universities. Thus , we would like to witness more positive steps towards modernization of our universities to reach to the international standards.
I would like to assure you all that Kurdistan future is bright . Due to the bravery and sacrifice of Peshmarga , struggle , persistence of Kurdish nation and the blood of martyrs , today all the world looks at our nation and country with respect and pride. Now , more than ever , Kurdistani people are optimistic of future and looks forward for progress. It is time , to ensure a bright future for our people , to feel confident and portray our future and destiny with our own hands. We have to enhance this self confidence and believe that we can achieve all our goals.
Once again , I am pleased to witness your graduation , congratulate you and wish you all the best. May you all live for Kurdistan.
After that, Dr.Yousif Goran “the minister of higher education and scientific research” has read his speech as the reprsentative of the prime minister of kurdisatn region government. At the beginning of his speech and in the name of the prime minister of kurdistan region government and the ministry higher education and scientific research has expressed his deep congratulations to the graduates, as they have been so successful despite all the circumastances. He also mentioned that kurdistan is so proud of them. He also added that: kurdistan faced hard circumastances, political and financial crisis, but with the power of our peshmarga we lived with peace as they were and still fighting for our freedom and independence. He also expressed his deep thanks to the university council for their working hard in graduating these students. Regarding education state and the ministry programme last year, higher education and scientific research minister has also mentioned that they will continue successfully and will try to make progress and will fulfil a number of projects. Dr. Yousif Goran has also declared that they have started with some projects and finished large parts of them in order ti save the education and teaching quality and have concentrated on quality assurance process and education developing programmes. Regarding increasing the level of kurdistan region universities, Dr.Yousif Goran has also declared in his speech: fortunately this year we were able to raise national appreciation project for kurdistan region universities which include: evaluating the scientific level of kurditan universities and arranging scientific competition among the universities.
In the ceremony, the representative of the graduates has read a speech in the name of the graduates. Another part of the ceremony has been devoted for Professor Dr. Ibrahim Hamarash for reading the swearing of the graduates, then the graduates have repeated the swearing. At the end of the academic carnival, the dens of the colleges have asked the president of salahaddin university to distribute the certificates on the graduates as he is authorised by the university council, he distributed certificates on 3410 students in 11 different collegs.
Date :03-07-2015