The President of Salahaddin University “Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee accompanied with the Director of engineering and projects visited the two projects of the students’ Central Department and Sports Hall of Closed Swimming Pool. In his visit, the president of salahaddin university has expressed his deep thanks and appreciation to all those who participated in performing these two projects despite of the financial crisis that faces Kurdistan Region and lacking of budget, the projects reached their final stages. He also expressed his wishes that as soon as this financial crisis finishes so that the projects will come to an end for serving students especially the large project of the new university campus.
It’s worth mentioning, students’ central department for 1500 students costs 22 million dollar of the university development budget, which will be the fourth complex after Shahid Shawkat Sheikh Yezddin central department for boys, 18 Shubat central department for girls and Shahid Leila Qasim central department for girls. By finishing this complex, students’ residence problems will be solved. In addition to the closed swimming pool which is the huge dream of students of college of physical education costs 6 milliard Dinar of the university development budget, this project is one of the government projects which has been gone slowly because of the financial crisis, but now it’s continuing and reached its final stage.
Date :31-08-2015