In the university presidency office, assistant professor Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee “the president of Salahaddin University” with the presence of the director of the international academics relations welcomes a delegation from Anbar university headed by Dr. Mohammed Al Muhamadani “the president of anbar university”, Dr. Bilal Al Rawi “the director of IT Centre” and Dr. Muath Hilal “director of students affairs”.
In the meeting, they discussed strengthening the scientific and cultural relationships between the two universities. They also discussed the items and sections of the agreement especially the scientific and cultural cooperation between them.
The stressed on writing and discussing researches and writing mutual researches and publish them and getting benefits from each other experience and visiting lecture halls and exams in different scientific fields. Besides facilities for both university scientific researches to get benefits from both university data and knowledge in Kurdistan region. It’s also important to be mentioned that salahaddin university has relations with most central and southern Iraq and Arabic universities, Iran, Turkey, Europe and Asia in a good level and it has signed more than 200 mutual agreements.