In the presence of the minister of higher education and scientific research, a number of well-known members of parliament, the president of Kurdistan Parliament Front, representatives of the political parties and the other religious parts of Kurdistan, the presidents of Kurdistan universities, university lecturers who are specialized in the constitutional area and the other university academics of Kurdistan, they were present in Salahaddin University Social and Cultural Centre in Erbil "the capital city of Kurdistan", as Salahaddin University has arranged and academic and political symposium for Kurdistan regional constitution. In the starting ceremony, both the president of Salahaddin University and the minister of higher education and scientific research gave their speeches.
In the anniversary of establishing the first Kurdish parliament, in the ceremony, Dr. Ahmed Anwer Dizayee "the president of Salahaddin University" has mentioned in a part of his speech that everyone is so proud of Salahaddin University in the capital city of Kurdistan and of its political and national activities in the day of establishing the first parliament in Kurdistan. The beginning of these academic activities before exchanging the talk with the politicians parts and Kurdistan parliament to form a reviewing committee for the constitution project in Kurdistan region as a number of lecturers from college of law and political sciences in coordination with the deanery of college of law and political sciences, they gave a suggestion to the presidency of salahaddin university regarding Kurdistan region constitution, after discussing the matter the have decided to arrange a two-day academic and political symposium for how important this project is for the political and social life of Kurdistan. It will have six panels; each panel has four pivots to be discussed.
The role of the university in applying the constitution project, the president of Salahaddin University in his speech has mentioned: without any doubt those knowledgeable and scientific activities of salahaddin university are so noticeable, as it has a long history to be witnessed, but today and with the support of constitutional specialists, doing a great job for the academic study for the university according to article 122of Kurdistan region constitution project- Iraq/ 2009. By the time the
university was writing and applying the constitution has a great role in questioning and consulting, also in participating of specialists in writing the project. Today and except for the direct talk on the project, they are doing a great job in this academic symposium; scientifically talk on the constitution project and they working hard to collect voices and different opinions, everyone will try to sit on one table of the meeting, 21 persons of Kurdistan parliament so that our work and steps should one voice. In the shadow of this constitution a future will be born. An international Kurdish constitution will be born.
Looking for constitution project from the logical and scientific angle
This symposium has been arranged in an academic attempt so that everyone can work together in a logical and scientific way, by getting benefits from the constitution of the world developed countries and make it suitable with the political and social reality of Kurdistan region. This will be a roadmap for Kurdistan politicians. The talk of the university academics doesn't mean making changes on the constitution after making decisions; it is a talk about the scientific, logical and reality of the constitution so that the people of Kurdistan can vote for it.
The importance of constitution in the community
In addition, Dr. Yousif Goran "the minister of higher education and scientific research" has given his speech at the beginning of the symposium, he mentioned the importance of constitution in community, it is a corner stone for building a strong country. In writing the first American constitution 230 years ago, thinking and planning of succeeding their constitution. He also said they give importance and that they are aware of that constitution can have a great role. The university and the central academics as they are the central factor in the community. They should have their talk and their subjects should be more scientific and academics.
Rewriting the constitution unanimously
The minister of higher education and scientific research mentioned that it is important to be one voice for rewriting the constitution and added: the most successful constitution is that one which is working on it in
community and it will be a shadow for the next generation in which all ethics and religions can get benefit from.
After that, three panels have been discussed in which four different topics discussed by: Dr. Nuri Talabani, Dr. Farsat Sofi, Fareed Asasard, Abu Bakr Karwani, Dr. Marf Omer Gull, Dr. Azad Osman, Dr. Mohammed Ihsan, Dr. Abdul Fatah Abdul Razaq, Dr. Saman Fawzi, Dr. Soran Salahaddin, Dr. Muna Yokhana Yaqu and Dr. Khider Domli. At the end of each panel, the president of Salahaddin University has given a gift for everyone who talked about the pivots.
This symposium will last two days, which will include six panels each panel, has four pivots to be discussed. The first panel will be under the title: the basis of Kurdistan constitution project, applying constitution in Kurdistan region, the basis of the political system in Kurdistan region, the civilian and democratic basis and the Islam role in Kurdistan constitution project. The second panel will be for arranging Kurdistan regional contacts on the foundation and law basis of the international limit of Kurdistan region. The third panel will be under the title: the political rights and freedom in Kurdistan constitution, rights and freedom of Turkmen, Syriac, Chaldean, Assyrian and other religious parts. In the second day of the symposium three other panels will be discussed, the first one will be under the title: arranging Kurdistan regional authority, the rules of separating authority and law authority in Kurdistan region. The second panel will be on the directorates and bodies, non-central and local directorates, independent bodies and commissions, financial arrangement and natural resources. The final panel of the second day, the talk will be open regarding the political parties as a representative of each one of the five political parties of Kurdistan regional government will participate in the symposium.